The artist known as the guy who draws "QlownTown"

Sometimes this blog relates to the comic strip; more often, it's about whatever strikes my fancy on a given day. I do the strip daily, but only write the blog when I have something to say. Check out or!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I had a great weekend this past Saturday and Sunday. I spent most of the time in my basement, cleaning the garage, getting stuff ready to move into storage in preparation for selling our house, and puttering in my workshop. I had one bookshelf that was stacked with projects-to-be-done. It had been accumulating stuff for years. Well, a few things got thrown out, and a few little projects got finished. We now have a miniature copy of a spinning wheel that my grandfather made, and which was in pieces under layers of dust, sitting proudly in our front hall. An heirloom doll's bed that my mother and then my daughter played with is now fixed and ready to store under cover till we have a granddaughter someday.

Saturday night, I sat down to dinner with a grin, and realized I'd loved getting the chance to just putter all day. Fixing stuff, organizing, cleaning, replacing lights...this is stuff I love to do. I guess I knew I was a putterer, but I get to do it so seldom I forgot I was. Now I'll try to make time for it. I gave myself permission to go from project to project, so if I was planning to box up an object and then do something else, but noticed that object needed the paint touched up, I'd jump to painting the object, then box it up and go on to what I'd planned. Did everything I'd scheduled get done? No, but I didn't care. I got a lot of things accomplished. It feels good when we accomplish something.

In the next week, I'll be getting a trailer hitch on the VW Bug, buying a trailer, and moving stuff into storage...and we'll attend a family reunion on Saturday. A week from now, we'll have new happy memories and a lot of stuff out of our house. Ah, accomplishments. Puttering. Satisfaction.

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