The artist known as the guy who draws "QlownTown"

Sometimes this blog relates to the comic strip; more often, it's about whatever strikes my fancy on a given day. I do the strip daily, but only write the blog when I have something to say. Check out or!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A few words in defense of meteorologists

If you live, oh, say, anywhere, you've probably experienced some crappy weather lately. Here in New England, we've had tons of snow through the last month. We had an "open" Christmas (no snow), but a day or two later it was truly a winter wonderland.

Through all this, I haven't heard anyone say how well the weather forecasters have done. They've predicted almost everything very accurately. They make projections a whole week ahead, and it seems that if it changes, they catch it when there are still a few days to go. For example, they were predicting last Thursday that we'd get a snowstorm this Thursday. Yesterday--still three days ahead of the expected storm--they corrected their prediction. That's pretty good forecasting, all things considered.

I read a few years ago that they're generally right about 85% of the time. For something as changeable as the weather (especially around here), I think that's a damn good average. They don't control the weather, you least I hope you do. (If you didn't know that, then here's some more news: if you send me $1,000, you'll have good luck for a year. Really.) People make their plans, their schedules; build their lives around what the weather folks say will happen; then blame them when something different occurs. I guess it's natural to want to fault someone else when your plans get messed up, but remember that 85% average the next time you're mad about shoveling your driveway or getting wet in the rain.

So there's my defense of meteor-ologists. Next time, I'll defend doctors, lawyers, insurance agents and car salespeople.  Of course, when they--or most of us--screw up, it's our own fault.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I just found a great new site. It's a store, actually. It's called muh stuff, and features clothing and merchandise with the "muh" label on it. It's a parody of designer clothing, and a joke in itself. If someone asks "What's that?" when they see the logo, you're supposed to say "It's muh shirt" or "It's muh mug" or whatever you're wearing/holding/displaying with the logo on it. There are even stickers so you can label other stuff as your own: "muh house", "muh motorcycle", maybe "muh dish" if you bring a casserole to a party or potluck. There are even "muh" underpants and "muh" boxers.

You can also buy stuff through the main Marketplace at CafePress, but you'll pay higher prices there.

I think this is a great opportunity to start a craze and lampoon overpriced logo merchandise. The word is Muh. Spread the word!