The artist known as the guy who draws "QlownTown"

Sometimes this blog relates to the comic strip; more often, it's about whatever strikes my fancy on a given day. I do the strip daily, but only write the blog when I have something to say. Check out or!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hidden stuff

I like to stick little details in the strips that people may or may not notice. In video-game speak, they're Easter eggs.
Today's strip features a clown using an iPad. It's right out there in the open, but only one person wrote to tell me she'd noticed it. I thought it was pretty cool to put it in there; I haven't seen any iPads in cartoons yet, although I'm sure I'm not the first cartoonist to draw one.

'Way back in March '09, I did a strip which included a duck whistling. That one wasn't hidden, but it was a little detail that a lot of people noticed. As a matter of fact, I may be the only one who thought that cartoon was funny, but I redeemed myself with a lot of people who liked the whistler.
In the octopus cartoon, the applicant's name was Callie Mari. It was probably illegible on small computer screens, but you'll be able to read when the book comes out someday. (Don't hold your breath.)

The little dinosaur whose dad was reading him a bedtime story had a Jurassic Park poster on his wall.

And it was a lot of fun to draw different kinds of brooms outside Voldemart.
When I began, I had planned to do lots of "half tone" colors using words, but that sort of fell by the wayside. I'll try to start doing it again, though. Again, it doesn't translate well to the low resolution of some computer screens. When the strips start appearing larger--a change we're planning for the site at some point--it'll be easier to spot. (If you can't read it, the grass at the bottom says GRASSGRASSGRASSGRASS.)
Entertainment for the simple mind, I guess.

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