The artist known as the guy who draws "QlownTown"

Sometimes this blog relates to the comic strip; more often, it's about whatever strikes my fancy on a given day. I do the strip daily, but only write the blog when I have something to say. Check out or!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I was driving along today and entered a highway via an on ramp. I wasn't paying close attention, I guess, and suddenly saw in my rear-view mirror that there was a car coming up close in the lane with which mine was about to merge. She had the right of way (assuming she wasn't speeding and suddenly appeared), and there wasn't anything close to an accident, but I felt badly that I hadn't seen her earlier. If she had honked at me, how could have indicated that I was sorry, I wondered. The American Sign Language symbol for "Sorry" is to form the letter "A" with your right hand and run your hand in a circle around your chest. Hard to show to someone behind you.

One could throw their arms up in the air, as if to say, "OMG! I can't believe I did something as stupid as that! I apologize!". Someone in front of me did that once, and I understood, but that could also be interpreted as "Ha ha; I'm not holding onto the wheel" or "I'm fed up with people honking at me". You could pound your fist on the side of your head, but that might hurt and make you go off the road, and the person behind still might not get it.

I think it's important when you make a mistake and anger someone enough to make them blast their horn that you sign your apology in such a way that they realize you're acknowledging your own error, and they are then moved to laugh at the way you're doing it. This diffuses the tension and takes care of the apology at the same time. Perhaps miming a gunshot to your head would work---but they may think you think they should be shot. You could hold up one hand in plain site and slap it with the other, but here again you're letting go of the wheel---always a bad idea. An exaggerated crouch like someone's about to whup you upside the head might work.

The problem with all these ideas is that they aren't universal. There should be one sign that becomes generally recognized as a sign for "I'm sorry" when driving. We all know what shaking your fist at someone or flipping them the finger means; why don't we have a standard sign for something constructive like an apology?

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. And, if you think it's a clear signal, use it the next time you do something stupid. (Admit it. We all do stupid things occasionally when driving. Admitting it can help quell road rage.) And report back to me if the other party understands. Or maybe I'll just see it pop up some day as it becomes a common sign and spreads throughout the driving public. One can only hope.

And if your gesture is misunderstood, and you get honked at or yelled at here.

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